His truck is totaled, but praise God, he is completely fine!!!! He hit an icey patch, crossed the oncoming lane of traffic, and slammed into a telephone pole on the drivers door. He has two tiny cuts-one on his ear and one on his wrist, and they are from broken glass. Now he's out bowling!!!!! (he's 19) There are no words for how thankful I am that God had his hand on him. It's a miracle he walked away.
Friday, February 26, 2010
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Another Tile
Here is another tile for the fundraiser. The fonts are Scriptina and garamond. I did the scriptina words in inkscape and outset them to fatten them up so they would cut better.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Blog Award!
Sunshine Award
I have been given a blog award by Mary from scrapbooking grandma crafts. Thank you!!!!1.Place the award in your post or within your blog
2.Pass this award to six of your nominees
3.Link the nominees to your post
4.Let the nominees know they have received the award by commenting on their blog5.Link to the person you received the award from.
1. Carol from http://littlecreationcorner.blogspot.com/
2. Jenn from http://www.jennsscrapbooknook.com/
3. Cindy from http://snoflaks.blogspot.com/
4. Shari from http://shariscreationswiththecricut.blogspot.com/
5. Kerie from http://www.kerieskafe.blogspot.com/
6. Shirley from http://www.paperscissorsinc.com/
Another Tile
This tile is for a chinese auction fundraiser our High School Marching Band is having in March. It's black vinyl on a 12 x 12 tile. The fonts are scriptina and dauphin.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Tile & matching card
I made this for a girlfriends birthday yesterday. It was right up her alley!!! I saw the saying on a website, scrounged up the fonts, and recreated it. (A big thank you to those who helped name and locate the font!!!!)
She loved it!
click for closer viewEaster Basket SVG File
I was asked to create an Easter Basket file - here it is. It was requested to be as large as possible on 12 x 12 paper. It is 7" across by 3" high. (without handle) It can be re-sized. The smaller one was 2 per page. This file uses the layers option also. If you are not familiar with how this works please watch this video.here
This is just a test cut on thin, plain paper. I would suggest a good sturdy cardstock like SU, or even posterboard would work well.
Sorry the picture isn't better. I needed a darker background for the lavender paper, but I was in a hurry!
Please post pictures of your creations!!!!
I am not planning on making a ds file for this one. It would be too time consuming (no grouping) and I just don't have the time right now. If anyone wants to convert it, please feel free to do so.
svg file
svg file
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
Weddings With the Cricut-Layout Wednesday
Today is my first project as a member of the Weddings with the Cricut design team. This is just our second week, but with a new project everyday, there are a lot of great ideas already! Come take a look! WWTC
Monday, February 15, 2010
Pop-Top Can
I made this for my neice's birthday. It has candy & money inside. I figured I couldn't go wrong with that combination! She lives 7 hours away in Indiana. :0( My MIL is flying out for her birthday this week, so I figured a can would hold up well on the trip. I changed the ribbon on the top, not sure which I like better!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Cake in a box svg file
I had several people volunteer to test cut my cake in a box svg file. Staci McDonough (click here for her blog) sent me this picture of her fabulous creation. The file seems to be good, so I will post a link for it. Thank you everyone for your help. It is appreciated. If you made one I would love to see pictures, and will gladly link to your blog!
download svg file
NOTE: This file uses the layers box. You need to shut the score layers off while you cut, and the cut layers off while you score! My pillow box favor post has a video explaining this. Please watch the video to ensure your success with this file. I would hate for you to waste paper!!!!
Here is the link for the score line instructions- how to use the layers box for score lines
I dear friend of mine turns 70 today-she so doesn't look or act it!!!! She had me make one of these sucker bouquets for her daughters' 50th, so I thought she might appreciate one for herself.

both; text-align: center;">
Here is a how -to video. There is no introduction and no wrap-up at the end. I was planning on deleting the video because I didn't think it was going well, so I didn't film an intro or ending. Then I've had so many questions, I thought I would see how the video came out. With a little editing, it wasn't too bad, so here it is. Hopefully it will help. Sorry it's not finished!!!!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
Monday, February 8, 2010
Valentine's Day Card for Glue, Scissors, Paper
Our challenge this week over at Glue, Scissors, paper was to design a Valentine's Day project without using the colors red, white or pink. This is what I came up with.
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Box Challenge
Melinda Ford from http://stayathomemomcrafts.blogspot.com/ is having a design challenge. She gave us this box, which she designed for something specific (can't wait to see what!!!) and asked us to decorate it. Here is my version.
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Mini Milk Cartons & Carrier-DS File & jpeg Added!
I saw the SU mini milk cartons & carrier inking idaho's blog and fell in love with them. I refuse to spend money on dies because I have a cricut! I made this file last week, but with the winter formal had no time to play with it. I finally put it together today. Warning-these are really small!!!! I used the dimensions listed. It can be resized if you would like it bigger, just remember to click "keep proportions". I only have the file in svg form-sorry!
mini milk carton
NOTE- You need to use the layers box with this file. You have to cut the cartons, shut off that layer, open the score layer, adjust blade & depth, hit load paper, & cut again. If you need more info there is a video with my pillowbox favors explaining how the layers work.
DS File
jpeg milk carton
jpeg carrier
If you need help assembling the carrier, find the cookie tower carrier video. They go together the same way!
Monday, February 1, 2010
NHS Winter Formal
The Winter Formal was a huge success! Here are the pictures. There is a very short video clip at the end of the post. It's not very good-I better stick to making craft videos!!!! It gives you an idea of how it looked, but it doesn't do it justice. It was beautiful! The only problem we encountered was-NO HEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!! The blower to that room broke, and the part was backordered. We didn't know this until we were almost done decorating. It was in the single didgits here on Saturday. When I got there to decorate it was 46 degrees in the room. It was -6 outside at dance time. We used some space heaters, and the kids danced, and it really wasn't too bad. There always has to be something, and of course it was the coldest weekend we have had all winter. I am SOOOO GLAD it's over-I'm beat!!!!
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