Well, here it is! I am happy with how it looks. Now I just hope it tastes good!!!!!
The inside wasn't so pretty-LOL!!! But it tasted good, so that's all that matters.
There were 2 layers of fudge filling and one of mint chocolate chip.
I was trying out recipes, otherwise I wouldn't have combined the 2 fillings.
But they tasted fine together. |
What a beautiful cake you did a wonderful job on it. It looks good enought to eat. :)
OMG is that all edible? That looks delicious and sooooo awesomely beautiful. Who needs supper!
oh my...I see they are on sale today for 29 for the mini and 49 for the big one and I had talked myself out of it until I saw this...Gorgeous!
What a beautiful cake. Great job!
So pretty. How do you get your fondants so smooth? I bet it tates wonderful too!
So beautiful. No way that is the first one you've ever made! I see wedding cakes in your future.
Denise this is AWESOME! Absolutely gorgeous! How did you make the bow?
Looks Good! Great Job!
Your cake is gorgeous. I love the bow and the flowers. You should be really proud.
Wow²... beautiful and perfect!
I made the bow out of gumpaste, let it dry, then attached it to the cake with royal icing. I steamed the cake to make it shiny.
That looks awesome! Would never have guessed it was your first!!!
This is amazing. Your cake is perfect. TFS
Hey, Denise,
My birthday is on Thursday, the 8th. You have just enough time to make another and send it my way! No, but really, WOW Your cake is beautiful!
BEAUTIFUL CAKE!!! YOU DID AN AMAZING JOB!! Was this your 1st time using fondant to cover a cake? Was it hard to smooth the fondant out? That cake must be really good- 1/2 of it disappeared awfully quick!!!
Beautiful Denise! It looks very professional...and I think the inside even looked great! I saw somewhere online where the cricut cake mini was being offered for $29.99 for Christmas, but can't remember where now...
Simply beautiful cake, Denise.
You are so good at whatever you put your hand to.
Love the bow!
PJ(Jessie Adams)
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