Files for Sale

Cricut machines do not cut svg files, unless you own scal or mtc, purchased before the Provocraft lawsuits.  These programs are no longer available for the cricut, although both work with other cutters.

Alphabet Files

Damask Alphabet SVG File
(for use with electronic cutting machines)
Includes all 26 capital letters with options to create all 3 looks shown below.
Split Regal Alphabet SVG File
(for use with electronic cutting machines)
Includes all 26 capital letters and the frame

Box Files

Smash Top Box -$3
includes 2 sizes& how to video

Lattice Baskets-$5

 2 sizes of baskets & how to video
Trapezoid box set-$3

High Heel Favor Box-$3

Onesie Files
$1.50 each

Files for Tiles, shirts, etc


Big Girl Panties- $3 

make His praise Glorious- $3
(includes music note crosses)
includes how- to video

I have been working on a collection of patriotic svg's. The entire set is $10

"suck it up cupcake"-$3
includes all 3 variations as well as cupcake layers