I saw a few welding questions on the message board this morning. Here is a super quick video to answer them. I'm willing to do more ds videos if anyone has any questions they would like answered.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
Homecoming Car Vinyl
This week is homecoming week at our school. My daughter wanted "Seniors 2010" on her car. This is just black and white contact paper. This is the first time I have layered vinyl-it was easy and I love the effect. I can't wait to hear what her classmates thought of it! Just click on the picture for a close up.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
SCAL bread Box file
I've added a scal file for the bread box for those of you who asked. It's in the original post.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Tag Template Video-cut file added
Here it is. Be warned-it's a little rough. I did it first thing this morning. When I got to the computer part I was not aware my reflection was visible in the monitor! Now mind you, I am in my pajamas and have not showered yet. And of course I didn't know I was visible, so I scratch my ear and make some strange faces. It doesn't get more real than this! I really wanted to redo that part, but it would have had to wait until next week sometime. I decided to go ahead and put it up the way it was. So go ahead and have a good laugh-I did. I just hope I was able to explain it so you can understand how to do it. Please contact me with any questions. I also did another label size, which I didn't show. It worked equally well. I will post my cut file too. I'm not sure if that will work, I'm sure all printers print differently. The label template is avery 5163 shipping and address. I'll shut up now!
Here is part one.
Here is part one.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tag Template
I am so excited about this! I have wanted to figure out a way to print pages of tags on my computer and then cut them with my cricut. My son is getting married in June and I will need 200 favor tags. I thought it would be difficult, but it was very easy! Once you have it figured out, is very easy to make another template page with different shapes. I will being doing a video soon to explain how I did this.
Thursday, September 24, 2009
French Fry Box-VIDEO & FILES
A couple of days ago I decided I needed a french fry box for a project. I thought tbbm had one on it, but it didn't. I asked on the cricut message board and no one knew of a cartridge that had one. I looked for a free svg for scal, but I didn't care for the one I found, so I decided to make one. Here it is. I'm pleased with the way it came out. I really love the scal file, for the simple fact it can be resized. Just click the keep proportions button in the properties box, and you can drag it as large or small as you like. Sorry the video is so dark. I need to work on my lighting!

SCAL file http://www.4shared.com/file/135119737/241bf96d/french_fry_box.html
SCAL file http://www.4shared.com/file/135119737/241bf96d/french_fry_box.html
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
DS cookie tower carrier-file problem
I have to apologize once again! It was just brought to my attention that there was a problem with my ds cookie tower carrier file. I went and checked, and sure enough I left a scoreline box on the box page, which makes it cut lots of little pieces. I test cut the file before I added the score page, that's how I missed it. It's just a matter of deleting the center box on the box page. Here is the link for the corrected file. Once again, I'm sorry!
Coffin box-VIDEO and File
Someone on the message board asked for a coffin box. Here is my version. I know there are others out there. I also did a quick video showing how it goes together. The download link for the file is posted below the video. If you make any, I would LOVE to see what you came up with!!!! Thanks for looking!
Monday, September 21, 2009
CRICUT is celebrating 100 cartridges!
Here is the link to check it out. They are giving away 100 free cartridges to celebrate!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
scal triangle gift card holder file
I made a triangle gift card holder file for all of you scal users! Here is the download link
Cut file for BEACH wordbook
I have had several requests for this file, so here it is. It's done with Jasmine.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Mini Bread Box-video & cut file
This morning on the cricut message board it was asked if someone would make a cut file for this mini bread box. This is the link to the project http://technostamper.blogspot.com/2008/10/bread-box-mini-tutorial.html
It was so cute I couldn't resist! Now I need to bake some mini bread loaves so I can use it!
The cut file is made with Plantin schoolbook. Here is the download link
scal file
It was so cute I couldn't resist! Now I need to bake some mini bread loaves so I can use it!
The cut file is made with Plantin schoolbook. Here is the download link
scal file
Beach wordbook
I made this book following the steps in my wordbook video. The paper is from a digital package I got on-line. It is a basic book. I did outline my letters with the cricut markers after I cut them. It is a ds cut file if anyone wants it. I am going to put vacation pictures in this.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Cookie Tower Files
The cookie tower files are not mine to give out. I posted Melinda Ford's link in my previous cookie tower post. I will post it again here. I also have the link for Kasey Andruski's files. She is on the cricut message board. Her files are in ds using george and plantin.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
NEW VIDEO-Cookie Tower & Carrier
I've been trying to get this uploaded for hours. The video is in two parts because it was
over 10 minutes.
Birthday card & Box
This is for a good friend of mine. The box is the large box from my box video. The card idea came from http://www.amazingpapergrace.com/. Her work is beautiful. The box has a whole bag of hershey bliss chocolate in it.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
3-D Christmas ornaments
Seeing all the cute 3-D pupmpkins got me thinking about Christmas! These are so easy. I just used scrap paper for these, but I can see them done with glitter & metallic paper. Maybe some cuttlebug...
Each ornament is just 5 identical shapes, folded in half (scored first) and glued together.
The snowflake is from jots.
The round ornament is from jots. Foundation layer + overlay glued together first, then folded.
Each ornament is just 5 identical shapes, folded in half (scored first) and glued together.
The snowflake is from jots.
The round ornament is from jots. Foundation layer + overlay glued together first, then folded.
The teardrop ornament is from the Christmas cartridge , two layers also.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Box video
Here is another video. It's still a lot rougher than I would like. There's a little blooper 2/3 of the way in. I left it it in-thought it was kinda funny! After that I lost my train of thought, and the video suffers. Sorry-I am trying to do better!!!!! Does anyone know why the right side is cropped? It doen't look like that until I bring it into my blog. I'll look into it. It's not cropped on youtube, if you would rather view it there. Thanks for looking!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
More trapezoid boxes-VIDEO COMING
Just a couple more boxes done with the trapezoid file. There are 3 different sizes. I have a video done. I just need to get it on the computer and uploaded.
Friday, September 11, 2009
New trapazoid file
The file I posted before was the wrong one-it was a draft I forgot to delete. DUH! I'm very sorry. Here is the correct file, with a new size added. I was playing with the file when I realized I had 2 saved. I went and looked and that's when I realized I had posted the wrong one! http://www.4shared.com/file/132149483/cf83eb18/trapezoid_box.html
Sympathy Cards
Unfortunately I have needed a lot of sympathy cards lately. I have been procrastinating on these for several weeks. I struggle with cards, especially sympathy cards. These are basically all the same card, just different papers, and different sentiments inside. I'm just glad they are done.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
wordbook design video
I attempted another video. This one explains how I make my wordbooks in design studio. I know I zoomed in a little too close, you can't see the tool bar on the left and the size property box at the top. Hopefully you are already familiar with these so it won't matter too much. I'll try to improve-thanks for your patience with my video technique!!!!!
pumpkin box-cut file added
I saw this pumpkin at inking idaho's site this morning. I've seen it before, but always forget about it. It's so cute. The pumpkin is just 5 ovals layered. I just quickly threw a basic box together for the base, and hand cut a stem and leaves. I might have to make a cut file for the whole project. it would be so cute to give cookies or candy in.
You need 10 ovals if you are putting a pumpkin on both sides of the box. You'll need to cut 2 oval pages. I only had 8 1/2x11 orange paper!
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
First Video!!!
Well, here goes nothing! I thought I would try a video. I have no clue what I'm doing. The video itself is rough-I was just seeing if I could get through the steps of posting it! This is the triangle box gift card holder from yesterdays post.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Triangle gift card box
I received a gift card in a box like this a couple of years ago. It was either from Bon Ton or Macey's. I liked the box so much I took it apart and made a template I could trace and reuse. This was before I even knew what a "cricut" was! I finally got around to making a ds cut file for it. (all george) The download link is at the bottom of this post.
Here is a picture of my original template, done the old-fashioned way!
This is the cricut cut. The black lines are the score lines(included in the file) the red lines are where you need to add adhesive.
This is how it looks with one side adhered.
This is how it should look with both sides adhered.
Fold the end tabs in
and you have a nice pocket for a gift card.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Pastry Box
This adorable little box is from Melinda Ford. You can find the file here:
I love it-it is so cute! Thanks Melinda.
I love it-it is so cute! Thanks Melinda.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
Octogon box-file link added
I don't know why I am suddenly designing boxes! I guess it's because the group feature in scal 2 makes it so much easier. This didn't turn out as nicely as I pictured it in my mind, but thought I would post it anyway. I made it without a lid first, thinking I wanted it to look like a bushel basket. That's why I inked the edges. Then I decided it needed a lid, and I was to lazy to make another bottom, so I just used the inked one. The file works fine though. It's just my touches that need to be cleaned up! I can post the file if anyone is interested.
Here is the link to download the file:
If you have any assembly questions, please feel free to ask!
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