This was a fun tumbler to make. I was hoping to put more of the characters on it, but couldn't cut them small enough without losing the details.
I've been away from you blog for a while but do try to pop in and see your awesome projects. I love doing these tumblers too and what you did is adorable.
How did you make these?!
Where did you find the cut files for these?
Where did you get the cut file for these they are awesome!
I just traced some coloring pages :)
I've been away from you blog for a while but do try to pop in and see your awesome projects. I love doing these tumblers too and what you did is adorable.
ReplyDeleteHow did you make these?!
ReplyDeleteWhere did you find the cut files for these?
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get the cut file for these they are awesome!
ReplyDeleteWhere did you find the cut files for these?
ReplyDeleteI just traced some coloring pages :)