

Monday, November 29, 2010

New Craft Room!!!!!!

     When my son got married in June I moved my craft stuff into his bedroom, but didn't take the time to change anything.  He had 20 year old tan, construction grade carpet-yuk!!!!  The bottom third of the walls were dark blue, and 3 of the upper walls were white.  The main wall was scarlet on the top portion with a large white "M" with lacrosse sticks through it.  Red and blue are our school colors, and I painted it for him his sophomore year.  Unfortunately I don't have any "before" pictures!!!!
     We have plans to update the room, but hadn't done anything yet.  Wednesday my husband purchased laminate flooring for 3 rooms in our house, with plans to install them this winter.  Friday morning he decides to do the floor in my craft room!!!!  So we took the contents of the room and put it all in the kitchen.  I should have taken a picture of that! He did my floor Friday, and we painted all day Saturday,(I didn't want to empty that room again.) and moved stuff back in on Sunday.    Painting was a chore, covering all that dark paint.  I had no idea what colors to choose, and only had 1 day to decide.  I was going to stick with all white, but my daughters talked me into one green wall. It will be a while before the shelving and cupboards go in, but I am thrilled with my new space.  I never dreamed it would be done so soon.   I can't wait to go in and play!!!!!

my nice new floor!
My stuff added in.  It will be a while before it is finished, but I am thrilled to have such a nice room!


  1. Congrats! What a beautiful craft room!

  2. awesome congrats on the new room it looks like fun!

  3. It looks beautiful. I love the saying on your door!

  4. What a wonderful spontaneous surprise. It looks great and I'm sure it'll only get better as you 'move in.' Congrats and happy creating!

  5. Yea for you! I just found your blog, and it is lovely, just as you seem to be=)We just (well, almost) finished our craft room, it is such a blessing to me and my girls! Here it is, because I love it=)

    Happy for your new room, that is exciting!

  6. Your room looks fabulous!! Now if I could get my husband to do mine!! I moved into my sons room when he moved out, too. But it definitely needs WORK!!

  7. Lovely new space, enjoy it in good health and can't wait to see what you create in it!
    :) Natasha

  8. I am so jealous!
    But I'm also happy for you :0)
    I know we are going to see some truly incredible projects from this, go get "messy"!

    PJ(Jessie Adams)

  9. Yay! Congrats on the new space :) I love the vinyl on your door! Did you get that as an SVG somewhere or something?

  10. I just love your space! Pleaase post more pictures when it is all complete.

  11. Fantastic! I'm sure that you will spend many hours in there having fun!

  12. Beautiful and refreshing! I had my hubby get up and look at your new room and said "seeee I want something like this" tee hee. YOu are an inspiration to us all. TFS

    Jess B.

  13. Denise,
    Congrats. It is a beautiful place, and I love that floor!
    Have fun!

  14. Green with envy over here! ;-) Enjoy your new room!

  15. Congratulations! It looks wonderful! You will totally enjoy it! I too, just FINALLY took over my youngest daughter's old bedroom (she got married just over a year ago!) and converted it to my craft room! What a blessing to no longer have to drag the cricut etc out to the kitchen counter and then put all the stuff away even if I wasn't totally done with whatever project I was working on! Enjoy!!!

  16. I love the door message, is there any way to get the file.

  17. If you would like the file for the door saying,send me your email and will send it to you.

  18. Congrats on getting such a nice room to showcase your "creativity" (which is awesome, BTW!) and sharing of same!! :-)
