

Monday, June 14, 2010

My Son's Wedding

No, I didn't fall off the face of the earth, it just appears as if I have!  The wedding did take place June 5, and it was a wonderful day.  I thought life would slow down a little, but it is crazier than ever.  If I can make it until July 2, everything really should get back to normal.  (thats my daughters graduation party)

I do have wedding projects to post.  Please bear with me as I try to get things posted.  I just have too many things going on all at once here.

Here is the happy couple.  I am still waiting on our digital photos, so this was all I could scrounge up.  I didn't bother with my camera that day, I just wanted to enjoy everything.  As soon as I get some good pictures Iwill post them.  I will also start posting thr things we made.


  1. congrats to the happy couple

  2. What a beautiful couple! Welcome back... :)

  3. Wow, what a gorgeous couple! I'm sure you are thrilled that everything went well and probably even more thrilled that it's finally over and you can start to relax!

  4. Such a happy time for you and your family. Congrats and best wishes to your son and his bride.

    PJ(Jessie Adams)

  5. Glad to hear you'll be back to blogging soon, but I understand that family comes first. Congrats!

  6. so handsome, and a beautiful bride, wish them all the happiness

  7. Awww...Denise, what a "handsome" couple. Your new DIL is just gorgeous. I sure hope your kids appreciate all the amazing things that you have made for their wedding, and I also hope that you are proud of yourself for the smazing things that you have done. Congrats to you and your family!! Hugs, Rockin Robin

  8. First Congrats to new couple!!!

    I saw everything is beautiful.Really you did good job. I love all details.:))
