

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Sorry I haven't posted!

I know it's been a while since I posted-sorry!  It has been a crazy week.  Monday we had a health scare with our son.  Thank God it turned out to be nothing.  I was a wreck for a couple of hours until we were able to have it checked.

My son's fiance comes home from college tonight for her spring break, and we have a big shower on Sunday, so I have been busy working on that. 

I promise I will post a project soon!  This weekend I have a fun mini album and video I did for Glue, Scissors, Paper.  Watch for it-I think you will like it!!!


  1. Oh dear, I am so sorry and I am glad everything is ok now!!

  2. Sorry you had a health scare w/ your son, Denise. Hope everything will be good, from here-on-in.

  3. Have missed seeing your great projects. You and your family have been in my prayers. Hope everthing slows down for you. Thanks for your inspiration and God Bless. A fan.

  4. I'm glad your son is fine.

    I saw the 1st half or the mini album and then it disapeared on me.

    Looked beautiful and i cant wait to see the second part :)

  5. Sorry Kayla!!! That's because it wasn't supposed to be public yet, but I forgot to change the setting. You got a sneak peek!!! It's my design team project for Glue, Scissors, Paper for next week. It should be up later this weekend. Keep checking back!

  6. Sorry to hear about your stressors. Children do do that too us dont they! Glad all is okay now and i hope it stays that way!!

  7. Denise,
    I am so happy that your son is ok and doing well. You definatly had God in your corner.

  8. Thanks for the support everyone!

    My son is fine.

    I am so thankful God is ALWAYS in my corner-I would be lost without HIM!!!

  9. Glad everything is okay now Denise!

    I have picked you as one of my blog award winners! Please stop by my blog to pick up your award!

  10. What a great purse! Thanks for the video to show us exactly what to do with the files. It was very clear.

